Friday, July 23, 2010

WTF: Can You Say Shot-City?

Now that the city of Chicago has become known for its gang violence and corrupt shooting, instead of calling it Chi-City people like to refer to it as Shot-City. There is not one day that passes by where news stations do not report of someone being shot and killed in the Chicago area. In Chicago it is likely to be shot while sitting in your car, or just by attending a family event such as the Taste of Chicago. The worse part of it all is that the ones who are doing the shooting are teenagers between the ages of 13-19,not so much adults. The adults are busy being killed by those teens. The violence has gotten so bad, that gunmen are now shooting policemen in broad daylight. Just a couple of weeks ago 2 off duty cops were shot and killed. Chicago has enforced laws,rallies, petitions, anything that can stop the violence, but nothing has made matters cease. I say if they want to shoot in their hometown then have them fight in War along with the soldiers. At least that way they can be commended for their acts instead of killing innocent people. If things keep going this way then the National Guards are going to have to make their way to Chi-City,oops I mean Shot-City.

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